Breea Clark -  a mayor with community spirit

Episode 4: Breea Clark - a mayor with community spirit

Breea Clark was the first millennial mayor of Norman Oklahoma, where she continues to bring her tireless community spirit to everything she does.

Show notes

Breea Clark is a doer. A vivacious young woman with a law degree from Kansas, she moved to Norman Oklahoma, where she joined every committee that crossed her path...the Tree Planting Committee, the Library board, the Norman Forward Sales Tax Citizens Financial Oversight Board and the City Council. Then she was asked to run for mayor! And she won!

Juggling a demanding career with raising two sons she is now working at the Director of the JCPenny Leadership Center at the Business School of University of Oklahoma, using her law degree at the family law firm, and staying active in community projects. Oh, and she doesn't miss going to her sons' ballgames, either.

I met Breea at a womens' empowerment meeting in Washington, where she flew in looking chic and smart. She gave a stirring presentation, and flew out on the next breeze, managing to make her life seem utterly effortless. Breea is a truly impressive young woman who has a lifetime of achievement to come. You will love to hear how she does it all!

Produced by Kitty Pilgrim, Matty Rosenberg, and Jennifer Hammoud @ Radio Free Rhinecliff



Breea Clark

Breea Clark

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